Use of the resources by third parties authorized by recipients - Authorized utilization

General information

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Last modified
Did not reach consensus
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Aurimas Lazdauskas - Version [1]
Gonzalo Andres Navarro Cabrera - Version [1]
In discussion
15/04/2024 - 10/06/2024
First consensus
10/06/2024 - 24/06/2024
Did not reach consensus

Public comments by LACNIC staff for this version

LAC-2024-3 v1: Uso de los recursos por parte de terceros autorizados por los receptores

Interpretación de la propuesta por el staff de LACNIC

Autores: Aurimas Lazdauskas y Gonzalo Andres Navarro Cabrera

Aplicación de la propuesta:
Esta propuesta establece cambios en el Manual de Políticas.

Modificación del texto actual:
La propuesta hace una modificación al punto “0.9. Asignar”, y añade un nuevo punto “2.3.7. Uso de los recursos por parte de terceros autorizados por los receptores”

Comentarios del Staff:
1) Las referencias a la base de datos de WHOIS de LACNIC ya están en el punto “ Registro de asignaciones”.
2) No hay justificación de necesidad.
3) En el Whois no se registra que se trate de una utilización por terceros (alquiler).
4) Con respecto al último párrafo del punto 0.9, no está claro lo que está autorizado y lo que no, lo cual dificulta el control por parte de LACNIC.
5) No identificamos si hay alguna restricción al uso.

Recomendaciones del Staff:
1) Con respecto al comentario 1, recomendamos incluir una referencia al punto en la propuesta, y solamente lo que sea diferente y no esté cubierto por ese y sea necesario describir, entonces que se complemente en el 2.3.7 o en el
2) Introducir una forma de identificar en el WHOIS que se trata de un de una utilización por terceros (alquiler) para el descargo de responsabilidades de intermediarios.
3) Con respecto al comentario 4, sería bueno que se revise la consistencia de la sección 0.9 completa.
4) Si hay alguna restricción a los casos de uso, sería bueno aclararlo.

Impacto en el sistema de registro y/u otros sistemas:
No tiene impacto.


The proposed amendment aims to address the pressing challenges of IPv4 scarcity and promote efficient resource management within the Latin America and Caribbean region. By providing clear guidelines on the authorization of third-party utilization, the amendment enhances flexibility, transparency, and accountability in resource allocation. It streamlines processes, minimizes administrative burdens, and fosters trust within the internet community. Ultimately, the proposal supports the region's connectivity goals by facilitating collaboration and maximizing the utility of scarce IPv4 resources. This proposal represents a practical and effective solution to enhance resource management and foster collaboration within the Latin America and Caribbean internet community.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

The scarcity of IPv4 addresses available for delegation by LACNIC, with a substantial waiting list for the delegation, hampers the ability of the community to meet the growing demand for internet connectivity across LACNIC region. According to the current version of the policy, the resources assigned or allocated by LACNIC or NIR may be used "exclusively by their recipient or by third parties authorized by the recipient, provided that the policies currently in force allow such use." However, the current policy lacks specificity regarding the use of the resources by third parties authorized by the recipient. This ambiguity hampers effective resource management and leaves recipients uncertain about the permissible avenues for collaboration and temporal resource sharing. This proposal aims to provide clarity and guidance on the authorization of third-party utilization. It is proposed to introduce a new section and to amend controversy and conflicting existing provisions.
1. Increase the flexibility of resource utilization by unambiguously allowing (specifying requirements) ISPs and end-users to authorize third parties to utilize delegated IPv4 addresses for various use cases without risk of the recipient being non-compliant with the policy.
2. Facilitate connectivity by enabling shared use of resources through joint projects, collaborations, and infrastructure support, the proposal seeks to ensure improved connectivity and network stability across the region.
3. Simplify Processes - the proposed mechanism leverages existing LACNIC systems without imposing additional administrative burdens on LACNIC and the community.
4. Enhance transparency and visibility of resource utilization by requiring the registration of authorized third-party usage in the LACNIC WHOIS database. Increased transparency fosters trust and accountability within the community.
Expected results:
1. Efficient resource utilization - proposed amendment facilitates the optimal use of available IPv4 addresses by allowing authorized third-party utilization and broader distribution of the resources. This maximizes the utility of scarce resources and addresses the pressing need for connectivity in the region.
2. Improved security and trust -enhanced transparency and accountability resulting from the registration of authorized third-party usage contribute to higher security and trust in the management of resources within the region.
3. Reduced administrative burden – proposed approach streamlines processes and minimizes the burden on both LACNIC and the community. Proposal balances the need for transparency with operational efficiency.
Implementation of proposal does not require additional changes to LACNIC policies, procedures, and systems.
According to the proposal, the right to authorize third parties’ use of the IPv4 addresses is not universal - it shall not apply to end users to whom IPv4 addresses are assigned or allocated by ISPs and to the IPv4 addresses allocated or assigned to key or critical infrastructure under and 2.3.5. of the policy.
There are no other viable alternatives to the proposed solution to reach the abovementioned objectives. The IPv4 address transfer mechanism is established in section of the LACNIC Policy Manual requires extensive administrative resources and does not provide enough flexibility for efficient distribution of the resources given the restrictive effects of the transfer specified in sections and of the LACNIC Policy Manual.
This proposal and the policy proposal LAC-2023-7: Temporary Transfers by Jordi Palet Martinez sets similar goals and concept – temporal share and distribution of IPv4 addresses among the community. However, this proposal is ahead of the proposal LAC-2023-7 in terms of simplicity and ease of implementation – it doesn’t require additional administrative resources from LACNIC and the community and utilizes existing LACNIC systems for transparency.

Current text

0.9. Assign
To assign means to delegate address space to an end user, to be exclusively used within the infrastructure operated by said end user, as well as for interconnection purposes.
The assigned address space must only be used by the original recipient of the assignment, as well as for third-party devices provided they are operating within said infrastructure.
Therefore, sub-assignments to third parties outside said infrastructure (for example, the use of end-user assignments for ISPs or similar clients) and providing addresses to third parties in data centers (and others) are not allowed.

New text
Analyze diff

0.9. Assign
To assign means to delegate address space to an end user.
The assigned address space must only be used by the original recipient of the assignment or, if the policies currently in force allow such use - the third party authorized by the recipient.
Address space assigned to the end user by ISP shall be exclusively used within the infrastructure operated by said user, as well as for interconnection purposes. Therefore, sub-assignments to third parties outside said infrastructure (for example, the use of end-user assignments for ISPs or similar clients) and providing addresses to third parties in data centers (and others) are not allowed.

New section added:
2.3.7. Use of the resources by third parties authorized by recipients
ISPs or end users may authorize third parties to use the IPv4 addresses allocated or assigned to such recipients by LACNIC or by the NIRs to support various use cases of IPv4 addresses and ensure efficient utilization of these resources, including but not limited to:
- Infrastructure Support: Third-party service providers engaged in network infrastructure maintenance, management, or security on behalf of the recipient;
- Joint Projects or Collaborations: Cases where multiple entities collaborate on projects requiring shared use of resources;
- Sub-delegation: Sub-delegation of address space to downstream organizations;
- Temporary Utilization: Temporal resource utilization for specific events, testing, or temporary projects.
IPv4 address block of a /29 or larger block used by the third party authorized by ISP or end user must be registered on LACNIC's WHOIS database as “re-allocated” or “re-assigned” no more than 7 days after the start of the use by an authorized third party and must include the following information regarding the authorized third party: organization name; address; administrative contact, technical contact, and contact in case of abuse, with their updated telephone numbers and email addresses.
ISPs and end users shall ensure that information registered on LACNIC’s WHOIS database regarding authorized third parties is correct and comprehensive. ISPs and end users shall update LACNIC’s WHOIS database 7 days after stopping the use of the resources by authorized third parties or termination or expiry of the authorization.
Use by authorized third parties of IP addresses delegated to ISP or end user shall not be considered a violation of the exclusive use provision.
This whole section shall not apply to the IPv4 addresses allocated or assigned under sections (Micro-Assignments to Critical Infrastructure) and 2.3.5. (Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region) of this policy.

Additional information

ARIN Number Resource Policy Manual provides that temporal authorized use of IP addresses by third parties is not considered a violation of the exclusive use provision.





Presented at:

LACNIC 41 (08/05/2024)