Adoption of policy proposals for discussion at the Public Policy Forum, Discussion List and call for consensus as working documents. - N/D

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Arturo Servin - Version [1]
In discussion
18/09/2020 - 12/11/2020
First consensus
12/11/2020 - 26/11/2020


A process is proposed whereby, in order for a policy proposal to be formally discussed on the Policy list, presented at the Public Policy Forum and subsequently called for consensus, it must first be accepted for discussion by the community.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

Currently, anyone may submit a policy proposal for its discussion on the Policy list and at the Public Policy Forum. While this makes for an open process, it also makes the process susceptible to the discussion of irrelevant policy modifications.

This has diverted attention from the discussion of important issues to meaningless discussions that only serve to detract from the community's work for improving the policy process. Currently, the decision of which policy proposals are under discussion is entirely up to the authors of the policies and beyond the control of the community. The goal of this proposal is for the community to take control of which issues are important to discuss and which are not.

By formally adopting a policy proposal prior to any long discussions, the community is able to decide which are the priority issues they wish to discuss.

While this policy proposal may seem counter-intuitive to promoting greater participation in the Policy list, the authors believe that limiting the number of policies for discussion will add a sense of priority to each issue and leave the community free to better discuss the policies that are considered important.

Current text

This policy proposal seeks to modify the following sections of LACNIC's Policy Development Process:

3.1. Public Policy List
3.2.1. Functions of the PDP Chairs
3.4. Public Policy Forum

Modify the text in:

3.1. Public Policy List
Only those subscribed to the Policy mailing list may submit a proposal.
Open mailing list.
Formal starting point and end point for policy discussions.
Policy proposals may be received at any time.
Proposals must be submitted using the online form available at Once it has been reviewed, an identification code will be assigned, and the proposal will be sent to the discussion list. The maximum time allowed for reviewing and publishing the proposal on the Public List must not exceed two weeks. This review will only address the text itself, not the merit of the proposal.
Working Groups may only be summoned through this list.
Every call for the creation of a working group must be supported by at least five (5) members of the Public Policy List.
The call for the nomination of candidates to serve as PDP Chairs must be summoned through this list alternately every two years.
Only topics and items discussed on the Public Policy List at least 1 week prior to the Public Policy Forum will be discussed at the Forum.

3.2.1. Functions of the PDP Chairs

To lead and prepare Public Policy Forum discussions. Discussions will be moderated by one of the two Chairs, who may alternate in this function during the course of the event.
To moderate the Public Policy List and the Policy Development Process in general.
To evaluate and suggest minor changes to proposed texts before the corresponding call for consensus.
To evaluate and suggest consensus in policy discussions.
To suggest the finalization of the discussions on a specific issue on the Public Policy List.
To decide to abandon a policy.
To summon the creation of Working Groups on the Public Policy List.
To receive comments from LACNIC's Staff in relation to different aspects of a policy proposal. These comments may include, among others, comments on the wording of a proposal, cost of implementing a proposal, legal aspects, and where to include a proposal within the LACNIC Policy Manual.

3.4. Public Policy Forum
Open to anyone who is interested in participating.
Analysis of the discussions held on the Public Policy List.
Presentation and discussion of policies currently undergoing the PDP.
Opportunities will be offered to present topics that are of interest to the Public Policy Forum.

New text
Analyze diff

3.1. Public Policy List
Only those subscribed to the Policy list may submit a proposal.
Open mailing list.
Formal starting point and end point for policy discussions.
Policy proposals may be received at any time.
Proposals must be submitted using the online form available at Once a policy proposal has been reviewed, the proposal will be assigned an identification code and sent to the discussion list. The maximum time allowed for reviewing and publishing the proposal on the Policy list must not exceed two weeks. Only the convenience of the community discussing the proposal will be reviewed, not the merits of the proposal.
The Chairs will call on the list to adopt or abandon the policy proposal no earlier than one week and no later than 30 days after the policy proposal has been published.
Policy proposals that have been rejected may not be re-submitted for adoption unless substantial modifications are made to their text. These modifications will be assessed by the Chairs.
Working Groups may only be summoned through this list.
Every call for the creation of a working group must be supported by at least five (5) members of the Public Policy List.
The call for the nomination of candidates to serve as PDP Chairs must be summoned through this list alternately every two years.
Only policy proposals that have been adopted by the community may be discussed on the Policy list and at the Public Policy Forum to call for consensus. Only topics and items discussed on the Policy list and accepted by the community at least one (1) week prior to the Public Policy Forum may be presented and discussed at the Public Policy Forum.

To lead and prepare Public Policy Forum discussions. Discussions will be moderated by one of the two Chairs, who may alternate in this function during the course of the event.
To moderate the Public Policy List and the Policy Development Process in general.
To evaluate and suggest minor changes to proposed texts before the corresponding call for consensus.
To evaluate and suggest consensus in policy discussions.
To suggest the finalization of the discussions on a specific issue on the Public Policy List.
To decide to abandon a policy.
To call for a policy proposal to be accepted for discussion and to decide whether there is consensus on discussing the proposal.
Should a policy proposal be rejected for discussion and re-submitted by the authors for a new assessment, the Chairs will assess whether the modifications are substantial enough to be considered a new proposal for discussion.
To summon the creation of Working Groups on the Public Policy List.
To receive comments from LACNIC's Staff in relation to different aspects of a policy proposal. These comments may include, among others, comments on the wording of a proposal, cost of implementing a proposal, legal aspects, and where to include a proposal in the LACNIC Policy Manual.

3.4. Public Policy Forum
Open to anyone who is interested in participating.
Acceptance of policy proposals for their discussion on the Public Policy List and at the Public Policy Forum.
Analysis of the discussions held on the Public Policy List.
Presentation and discussion of policies currently undergoing the PDP.
Opportunities will be offered to present topics that are of interest to the Public Policy Forum.

A module is added in the diagram before Initial discussion: “Acceptance of proposals for their discussion by the community (30 days)”

It is also proposed to divide the “Initial discussion” as follows:

Initial discussion
Submission of the policy proposal to decide on its adoption for discussion on the Public Policy List and at the Public Policy Forum.
Adoption or abandonment of the policy proposal

Additional information

Once accepted and ratified, this policy will apply retroactively to any policy under discussion on the Policy list. In other words, any policy that has not reached consensus once this policy is operational must be accepted in order to continue with its discussion.





Presented at:

LACNIC 34 online (05/10/2020)