IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region. - N/D

General information

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Last modified
100 %.

Edmundo Cazarez-Lopez - Version [1, 2, 3, 4]
In discussion
Last call for comments
28/09/2016 - 12/11/2016
Ratification by the board


This proposal seeks to create an IPv4 reserve pool equivalent to a /15, which would be used to satisfy requests for addresses that will be used to deploy infrastructure considered critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

IPv4 exhaustion in the region has led to the division of the remaining IPv4 address space into blocks that will be used in the different phases defined under the IPv4 depletion plan. During Phase 2, IPv4 addresses may be assigned to existing members as well as to new entrants. During Phase 3, only new entrants will be eligible to receive IPv4 addresses.

Under existing policies, once Phase 3 is triggered it might be difficult to assign addresses for implementing or improving the region's critical infrastructure.

This proposal seeks to create a reserve that is not subject to IPv4 depletion phases, with the intention of making it easier to assign addresses for the deployment of critical infrastructure even after Phase 3 is triggered.

Current text

Create section 2.3.5 in the LACNIC Policy Manual with the following text:

2.3.5. Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region.

1. LACNIC will create an IPv4 reserve equivalent to a /15 to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure considered to be critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region.

2. Assignments from this reserve will be limited to the following sizes:
minimum assignment size: /24
maximum assignment size: /22

3. Once the resources are no longer needed for the purpose they were originally requested, the addresses assigned under this section must be returned to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

4. Addresses assigned under this section may not be used for a purpose other than that which generated the request. Failure to comply with the above will result in revocation of the assignment and the subsequent return of the addresses to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

New text
Analyze diff

Create section 2.3.5 in the LACNIC Policy Manual with the following text:

2.3.5. Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region.

1. LACNIC will create an IPv4 reserve equivalent to a /15 to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure considered to be critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region.

2. Assignments from this reserve will be limited to the following sizes:
minimum assignment size: /24
maximum assignment size: /22

3. Once the resources are no longer needed for the purpose they were originally requested, the addresses assigned under this section must be returned to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

4. Addresses assigned under this section may not be used for a purpose other than that which generated the request. Failure to comply with the above will result in revocation of the assignment and the subsequent return of the addresses to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

Additional information

The space needed to create this reserve will be taken from the address space reserved for IPv4 address space depletion Phase 3.


Immediate implementation once the proposal is approved and ratified.


List of Policy Improvements, IPv4 Depletion Phases.

Presented at:



This proposal seeks to create an IPv4 reserve pool equivalent to a /15, independent from the reserves for IPv4 exhaustion. This reserve pool would be used to satisfy requests for addresses that will be used to deploy infrastructure considered critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

IPv4 exhaustion in the region has led to the division of the remaining IPv4 address space into blocks that will be used in the different phases defined under the IPv4 depletion plan. During Phase 2, IPv4 addresses may be assigned to existing members as well as to new entrants. During Phase 3, only new entrants will be eligible to receive IPv4 addresses.

This proposal seeks to create a reserve that is not subject to IPv4 depletion phases, with the intention of making it easier to assign addresses for the deployment of critical infrastructure.

Current text

=== Create section 2.3.5 in the LACNIC Policy Manual with the following text:


2.3.5. Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region.

1. LACNIC will create an IPv4 reserve equivalent to a /15 to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure considered to be critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region, where critical infrastructure has the meaning defined in paragraph of the Policy Manual.

2. Address requests for critical infrastructure may be submitted at any time.

3. Assignments from this reserve will be limited to the following sizes: minimum assignment size: /24
maximum assignment size: /22

4. Allocation size will be subject to verification of use and an analysis by LACNIC or the corresponding NIR.

5. Once the resources are no longer needed for the purpose they were originally requested, the addresses assigned under this section must be returned to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

6. Addresses assigned from this reserve may not be used for a purpose other than that which generated the request Failure to comply with the above will result in revocation of the assignment and the subsequent return of the addresses to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.


=== Modify paragraph 7 under item 11.1 of the Policy Manual as follows:
Current text:

7. Those organizations that receive IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may not receive from LACNIC additional IPv4 resources that are part of this reserve, with the exception of requests for critical infrastructure.

Proposed text:

7. Those organizations that receive IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in this policy may not receive from LACNIC additional IPv4 resources that are part of this reserve.

=== Eliminate paragraph 3 under section 11. and renumber the remaining paragraphs.

=== Modify paragraph 5 under item 11.2 of the Policy Manual as follows:

Current text:

5. Organizations receiving IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may receive additional IPv4 resources from LACNIC after a period of six months, provided that they generate a new request that justifies the need for additional IPv4 resources according to the IPv4 address allocation or assignment policies in force. Organizations requesting address blocks for critical infrastructure may request up to a /22 at any time.

Proposed text:

5. Organizations receiving IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may receive additional IPv4 resources from LACNIC after a period of six months, provided that they generate a new request that justifies the need for additional IPv4 resources according to the IPv4 address allocation or assignment policies in force.

New text
Analyze diff

=== Create section 2.3.5 in the LACNIC Policy Manual with the following text:


2.3.5. Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region.

1. LACNIC will create an IPv4 reserve equivalent to a /15 to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure considered to be critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region, where critical infrastructure has the meaning defined in paragraph of the Policy Manual.

2. Address requests for critical infrastructure may be submitted at any time.

3. Assignments from this reserve will be limited to the following sizes: minimum assignment size: /24
maximum assignment size: /22

4. Allocation size will be subject to verification of use and an analysis by LACNIC or the corresponding NIR.

5. Once the resources are no longer needed for the purpose they were originally requested, the addresses assigned under this section must be returned to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

6. Addresses assigned from this reserve may not be used for a purpose other than that which generated the request Failure to comply with the above will result in revocation of the assignment and the subsequent return of the addresses to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.


=== Modify paragraph 7 under item 11.1 of the Policy Manual as follows:
Current text:

7. Those organizations that receive IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may not receive from LACNIC additional IPv4 resources that are part of this reserve, with the exception of requests for critical infrastructure.

Proposed text:

7. Those organizations that receive IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in this policy may not receive from LACNIC additional IPv4 resources that are part of this reserve.

=== Eliminate paragraph 3 under section 11. and renumber the remaining paragraphs.

=== Modify paragraph 5 under item 11.2 of the Policy Manual as follows:

Current text:

5. Organizations receiving IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may receive additional IPv4 resources from LACNIC after a period of six months, provided that they generate a new request that justifies the need for additional IPv4 resources according to the IPv4 address allocation or assignment policies in force. Organizations requesting address blocks for critical infrastructure may request up to a /22 at any time.

Proposed text:

5. Organizations receiving IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may receive additional IPv4 resources from LACNIC after a period of six months, provided that they generate a new request that justifies the need for additional IPv4 resources according to the IPv4 address allocation or assignment policies in force.

Additional information

The space needed to create this reserve will be taken from the address space reserved for IPv4 address space depletion Phase 3.


Immediate implementation once the proposal is approved and ratified.


List of Policy Improvements; Phase of IPv4 Exhaustion in the region.

Presented at:



This proposal seeks to create an IPv4 reserve pool equivalent to a /15, independent from the reserves for IPv4 exhaustion. This reserve pool would be used to satisfy requests for addresses that will be used to deploy infrastructure considered critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

IPv4 exhaustion in the region has led to the division of the remaining IPv4 address space into blocks that will be used in the different phases defined under the IPv4 depletion plan. During Phase 2, IPv4 addresses may be assigned to existing members as well as to new entrants. During Phase 3, only new entrants will be eligible to receive IPv4 addresses.

This proposal seeks to create a reserve that is not subject to IPv4 depletion phases, with the intention of making it easier to assign addresses for the deployment of critical infrastructure.

Current text

=== Create section 2.3.5 in the LACNIC Policy Manual with the following text:


2.3.5. Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region.
1. LACNIC will create an IPv4 reserve equivalent to a /15 to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure considered to be critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region, where critical infrastructure has the meaning defined in paragraph of the Policy Manual.

2. Address requests for critical infrastructure may be submitted at any time.

3. Assignments from this reserve will be limited to the following sizes: minimum assignment size: /24
maximum assignment size: /22

4. Allocation size will be subject to verification of use and an analysis by LACNIC or the corresponding NIR.

5. Once the resources are no longer needed for the purpose they were originally requested, the addresses assigned under this section must be returned to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

6. Addresses assigned from this reserve may not be used for a purpose other than that which generated the request Failure to comply with the above will result in revocation of the assignment and the subsequent return of the addresses to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.


=== Modify paragraph of the Policy Manual as follows:

Modify the first paragraph, which currently reads:

Micro-assignment is the name given to those assignments that involve prefixes longer than /20 but shorter than or equal to /24.

Proposed text:

Micro-assignment is the name given to those assignments that involve prefixes longer than or equal to a /22, but shorter than or equal to a /24.

=== Modify paragraph 7 under item 11.1 of the Policy Manual as follows:

Current text:

7. Those organizations that receive IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may not receive from LACNIC additional IPv4 resources that are part of this reserve, with the exception of requests for critical infrastructure.


Proposed text:

7. Those organizations that receive IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in this policy may not receive from LACNIC additional IPv4 resources that are part of this reserve.

=== Eliminate paragraph 3 under section 11. and renumber the remaining paragraphs.

=== Modify paragraph 5 under item 11.2 of the Policy Manual as follows:

Current text:

5. Organizations receiving IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may receive additional IPv4 resources from LACNIC after a period of six months, provided that they generate a new request that justifies the need for additional IPv4 resources according to the IPv4 address allocation or assignment policies in force. Organizations requesting address blocks for critical infrastructure may request up to a /22 at any time.

Proposed text:

5. Organizations receiving IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may receive additional IPv4 resources from LACNIC after a period of six months, provided that they generate a new request that justifies the need for additional IPv4 resources according to the IPv4 address allocation or assignment policies in force.

New text
Analyze diff

=== Create section 2.3.5 in the LACNIC Policy Manual with the following text:


2.3.5. Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region.
1. LACNIC will create an IPv4 reserve equivalent to a /15 to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure considered to be critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region, where critical infrastructure has the meaning defined in paragraph of the Policy Manual.

2. Address requests for critical infrastructure may be submitted at any time.

3. Assignments from this reserve will be limited to the following sizes: minimum assignment size: /24
maximum assignment size: /22

4. Allocation size will be subject to verification of use and an analysis by LACNIC or the corresponding NIR.

5. Once the resources are no longer needed for the purpose they were originally requested, the addresses assigned under this section must be returned to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

6. Addresses assigned from this reserve may not be used for a purpose other than that which generated the request Failure to comply with the above will result in revocation of the assignment and the subsequent return of the addresses to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.


=== Modify paragraph of the Policy Manual as follows:

Modify the first paragraph, which currently reads:

Micro-assignment is the name given to those assignments that involve prefixes longer than /20 but shorter than or equal to /24.

Proposed text:

Micro-assignment is the name given to those assignments that involve prefixes longer than or equal to a /22, but shorter than or equal to a /24.

=== Modify paragraph 7 under item 11.1 of the Policy Manual as follows:

Current text:

7. Those organizations that receive IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may not receive from LACNIC additional IPv4 resources that are part of this reserve, with the exception of requests for critical infrastructure.


Proposed text:

7. Those organizations that receive IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in this policy may not receive from LACNIC additional IPv4 resources that are part of this reserve.

=== Eliminate paragraph 3 under section 11. and renumber the remaining paragraphs.

=== Modify paragraph 5 under item 11.2 of the Policy Manual as follows:

Current text:

5. Organizations receiving IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may receive additional IPv4 resources from LACNIC after a period of six months, provided that they generate a new request that justifies the need for additional IPv4 resources according to the IPv4 address allocation or assignment policies in force. Organizations requesting address blocks for critical infrastructure may request up to a /22 at any time.

Proposed text:

5. Organizations receiving IPv4 resources under the terms set forth in the following policy may receive additional IPv4 resources from LACNIC after a period of six months, provided that they generate a new request that justifies the need for additional IPv4 resources according to the IPv4 address allocation or assignment policies in force.

Additional information

The space needed to create this reserve will be taken from the address space reserved for IPv4 address space depletion Phase 3.


Immediate implementation once the proposal is approved and ratified.


List of Policy Improvements; Phase of IPv4 Exhaustion in the region.

Presented at:

LACNIC 25 (02/05/2016)


This proposal seeks to create an IPv4 reserve pool equivalent to a /15 that will survive the termination of the reserves for IPv4 exhaustion. This reserve pool would be used to satisfy requests for addresses that will be used to deploy infrastructure considered critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region once the space reserved for Phase 3 is exhausted. The space for the new reserve will be set aside once the proposal reaches consensus and is ratified by the Board.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

In the LACNIC region, IPv4 exhaustion has led to the division of the remaining IPv4 address space into blocks that will be used in the various phases defined under the IPv4 Exhaustion Plan. During Phase 2, IPv4 addresses may be assigned to existing members as well as to new entrants. During Phase 3, only new entrants will be eligible to receive IPv4 addresses.

This proposal seeks to create a reserve that will survive IPv4 exhaustion phases, and its intention is to make it easier to assign addresses for the deployment of critical infrastructure once there is no more available space.

Current text

=== Modify section of the Policy Manual as follows:

Modify the first paragraph, which currently reads:
Micro-assignment is the name given to those assignments that involve prefixes longer than /20 but shorter than or equal to /24.

Proposed text:
Micro-assignment is the name given to those assignments that involve prefixes longer than /22 but shorter than or equal to /24.

=== Create section 2.3.5 in the LACNIC Policy Manual, with the following text:

2.3.5. Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region.
1. This reserve will be used once the address space for Phase 3 of the regional IPv4 Exhaustion Plan runs out.
2. LACNIC will create an IPv4 reserve equivalent to a /15 to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure considered to be critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region, where critical infrastructure has the meaning defined in section of the Policy Manual.
3. Address requests for critical infrastructure may be submitted at any time.
4. Assignments from this reserve will be limited to the following sizes:
minimum assignment size: /24
maximum assignment size: /22
5. The size of these assignments will be subject to verification of use and an analysis by LACNIC or by the corresponding NIR.
6. Once they are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were originally requested, the addresses assigned under this section must be returned to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.
7. Addresses assigned from this reserve may not be used for a purpose other than that which generated the request. Failure to comply with the above will result in revocation of the assignment and the subsequent return of the addresses to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

New text
Analyze diff

=== Modify section of the Policy Manual as follows:

Modify the first paragraph, which currently reads:
Micro-assignment is the name given to those assignments that involve prefixes longer than /20 but shorter than or equal to /24.

Proposed text:
Micro-assignment is the name given to those assignments that involve prefixes longer than /22 but shorter than or equal to /24.

=== Create section 2.3.5 in the LACNIC Policy Manual, with the following text:

2.3.5. Special IPv4 reserve pool for critical Internet infrastructure in the region.
1. This reserve will be used once the address space for Phase 3 of the regional IPv4 Exhaustion Plan runs out.
2. LACNIC will create an IPv4 reserve equivalent to a /15 to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure considered to be critical or essential for the operation of the Internet in the region, where critical infrastructure has the meaning defined in section of the Policy Manual.
3. Address requests for critical infrastructure may be submitted at any time.
4. Assignments from this reserve will be limited to the following sizes:
minimum assignment size: /24
maximum assignment size: /22
5. The size of these assignments will be subject to verification of use and an analysis by LACNIC or by the corresponding NIR.
6. Once they are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were originally requested, the addresses assigned under this section must be returned to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.
7. Addresses assigned from this reserve may not be used for a purpose other than that which generated the request. Failure to comply with the above will result in revocation of the assignment and the subsequent return of the addresses to LACNIC or to the corresponding NIR.

Additional information

Implementing this proposal requires taking the space needed to create this new reserve pool from the space to be used during Phase 3 of the of IPv4 Exhaustion Plan.
To guarantee its existence, the new reserve must be created immediately after the proposal reaches consensus and is ratified by the Board.


Immediate implementation after the proposal is approved and ratified.


List of Policy Improvements, IPv4 Exhaustion Phases in the LAC region.

Presented at:

LACNIC 26 (26/09/2016)