Log of Allocations from the Pool of IPv4 Addresses Reserved for Critical Infrastructure - Bitacora IPv4 infra crítica

General information

In discussion
14 %. Next step would be First consensus

Hernan Arcidiacono - Version [1]
Ricardo Patara - Version [1]
Edwin Salazar Ordoñez - Version [1]
In discussion
09/09/2024 - 04/11/2024
First consensus
04/11/2024 - 18/11/2024

Public comments by LACNIC staff for this version

Interpretación de la propuesta por el staff de LACNIC

Autores: Hernan Arcidiacono, Ricardo Patara y Edwin Salazar Ordoñez

Aplicación de la propuesta:
Esta propuesta establece cambios en el Manual de Políticas.

Modificación del texto actual:
La propuesta hace una modificación al punto 2.3.5. Reserva especial de direcciones IPv4 para infraestructura crítica para la operación de Internet en la región.

Comentarios del Staff:
Entendemos que para cumplir con el objetivo de la propuesta, LACNIC deberá ofrecer un listado de actuales titulares de recursos dentro de la reserva.

Recomendaciones del Staff:
No tenemos recomendaciones sobre esta propuesta.

Impacto en el sistema de registro y/u otros sistemas:
Esta propuesta requiere tiempo de implementación y coordinación con los NIRs.


This proposal seeks to publish a log of micro-assignments, recoveries, or returns from the pool of IPv4 addresses reserved for critical infrastructure as a way to mitigate potential requests from fake IXPs that may have bypassed the controls implemented by LACNIC under the Policy Manual.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

Given that IXPs can obtain micro-allocations of IPv4 resources from the pool of addresses reserved for critical infrastructure, members of our regional Internet community have raised their concerns to LAC-IX, an association that brings together Latin American and Caribbean Internet Exchange Points, about how to mitigate the risk of ‘fake’ IXPs requesting assignments and obtaining IPv4 addresses from this pool.

While the Policy Manual defines the requirements an IXP must meet when requesting the assignment of number resources and these requirements reasonably mitigate such risk, we believe the mechanism can be strengthened in case the risk were to materialize.

Currently, there is a mechanism in place for reporting the misuse of address space. This mechanism could be complemented, specifically for cases affecting the pool of addresses reserved for critical infrastructure, making it easier for the community to access the information. Although the information is currently publicly available via WHOIS, we believe it is necessary to consolidate this information into a log format and make available the information about the assignments, returns, and recoveries from the critical infrastructure reserve.

Current text


New text
Analyze diff

Add the following text as a new item (item number 9) within section 2.3.5:

9. LACNIC will publish a log detailing the micro-assignments, recoveries, and returns made from the special pool of IPv4 addresses reserved for critical infrastructure.

Additional information

Initially, two options were considered: 1) request this information in advance, and 2) request the information based on historical data.

After consulting with the community and receiving comments on the list, the authors decided to proceed with the second option. Additionally, the authors analyzed a suggestion to include IPv6 in the proposal, which had already been discussed within the working group and was also suggested on the list. However, at this time, the authors believe the proposal seeks to protect the special pool of IPv4 addresses reserved for critical infrastructure, which does not exist in IPv6.





Presented at:

LACNIC 42 (09/10/2024)

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