Increase the Number of PDP Chairs from Two to Three - N/D

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Nicolas Antoniello - Version [1]
In discussion

Public comments by LACNIC staff for this version

LACNIC STAFF´S IMPACT ANALYSIS - Proposal LAC-2020-2 - versión 1

LACNIC Staff's Interpretation of the Proposal

This proposal means that under the PDP three chairs would be elected instead of two.

Modifications to the current text
Sections 3.2. PDP Chairs and 3.2.2. About the PDP Chairs would be modified. The new text would be as follows:

Section 3.2 “LACNIC's PDP will have three chairs. The three chairs will have identical functions.”

Section 3.2.2.
1. PDP chairs may not be LACNIC staff.
2. These positions will be honorary.
3. PDP chairs must be members of LACNIC or supported by a member of LACNIC.
4. PDP chairs will serve staggered three-year terms, with one position up for election each year. Reelection is not allowed.
5. Not more than one chair may be from the same country of the LAC region or may be employed by the same company of the region.
6. Chairs must reside in the LAC region for the greater part of the year.

LACNIC Staff's Comments
(Comments are observations intended to help distinguish the changes introduced by the proposal from the current text of the Policy Manual)

1. The proposal raises the number of PDP chairs from two to three.
It also extends the period served by each moderator from two to three years.
2. The proposal adds the following requirements for PDP chairs:
a. Not more than one moderator may be from the same country or company of the region;
b. Chairs must reside in the LAC region for the greater part of the year.
3. LACNIC interprets that this proposal would first be implemented for the next elections to appoint a PDP chair. In other words, it would be applied for the first time for the 2021 election of a PDP chair.
4. In recent years, the number of candidates to the position of PDP chair has been very limited, so it might be difficult to find another person willing to serve in this capacity.

We recommend limiting the restriction regarding the chairs’ country of origin to two of the three chairs, as currently very few candidates apply for the position of chair and a restriction stating that the three must be from different countries would limit this number even more. By specifying that the three chairs must not be from the same country ensures that heterogeneity would be achieved.

Impact of the policy on the registry system
This proposal would not require any changes to LACNIC's registry system.

Official Sources
Other RIRs

AFRINIC's Policy Development Working Group (PDWG) has two chairs who are chosen by the community during public policy meetings and who serve staggered two-year terms.
Candidates must reside in a country from the AFRINIC service region.
Chairs may not be a staff of AFRINIC or any other Regional Internet Registry (RIR).
More information:

APNIC has different Special Interest Groups (SIG), one of which is the Policy SIG.
Each SIG has a chair and at least one co-chair. The community may decide if they wish to have two co-chairs instead of one.
Chairs and co-chairs are elected for a two-year period.
More information:

ARIN’s PDP charges the ARIN Advisory Council (AC) as the primary facilitators of the policy development process. The AC consists of 15 elected members and is responsible for reviewing and validating proposals for their discussion and deciding whether proposals have reached consensus. The AC has a chair and a vice chair in case the chair is unable to fulfill their duties.
More information about the AC:

RIPE has different working groups: the Address Policy Working Group, the Anti-Abuse Working Group and the IPv6 Working Group, among others.
Each working group has its own chairs. For example, the Address Policy Working Group has two chairs. Each chair is elected for a two-year period and may be reelected. There are no requirements to chair the group.
More information about the chairs of each working group:


This proposal seeks to modify the PDP, increasing the number of PDP Chairs from two to three.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

The mechanism for deciding whether a policy proposal has reached consensus has been becoming increasingly dependent on the PDP chairs (something that began a relatively short time ago). Because the number of chairs is even, decision-making is more complex and there is very little chance to break potential ties. At the same time, having three chairs would allow them greater independence in their decisions and would increase the guarantees for the community. At the same time, it would reduce the workload for each Chair. Finally, it would open new participation opportunities for members of the community, encouraging them to participate in regional decision-making processes in the role of chairs.

Current text

3.2. PDP Chairs
LACNIC's PDP will have two chairs, both of whom will perform the same functions.

3.2.2. About the PDP Chairs
* PDP Chairs may not be LACNIC staff.
* These positions will be honorary.
* PDP Chairs must be members of LACNIC or supported by a member of LACNIC.
* PDP Chairs will each serve a 2-year term, with one position up for renewal each year. Unlimited reelection is allowed.

New text
Analyze diff

3.2. PDP Chairs
LACNIC's PDP will have three chairs. The three chairs will have identical functions.

* PDP chairs may not be LACNIC staff.
* These positions will be honorary.
* PDP chairs must be members of LACNIC or supported by a member of LACNIC.
* PDP chairs will serve staggered three-year terms, with one position up for election each year. Reelection is not allowed.
* Not more than one chair may be from the same country of the LAC region or may be employed by the same company of the region.
* Chairs must reside in the LAC region for the greater part of the year.

Additional information

This proposal modifies sections 3.2 and 3.2.2 of the PDP.





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