IPv4 Mergers, Acquisitions, Reorganizations and Relocations - N/D

General information

Original language
Last modified
100 %.

Jordi Palet Martinez - Version [1, 2, 3]
Edwin Salazar - Version [1, 2, 3]
Edmundo Cázarez - Version [1, 2]
In discussion
Last call for comments
27/11/2019 - 25/12/2019
Ratification by the board

Public comments by LACNIC staff for this version

LACNIC STAFF´S IMPACT ANALYSIS - Proposal LAC-2019-2 - versión 3

Interpretación de la propuesta por el staff de LACNIC

Aplicación de la propuesta
Esta propuesta se aplicaría en los casos de fusiones, adquisiciones, reorganizaciones y reubicaciones para organizaciones que tienen asignadas direcciones IPv4.

Modificación del texto actual
Se modifica la subsección: Fusiones, adquisiciones, reorganizaciones o reubicaciones y quedaría de la siguiente manera en el Manual de Políticas:

Se recuerda que las políticas de LACNIC no reconocen la venta o transferencia no autorizada de los recursos asignados o distribuidos y considerará tales transferencias inválidas, con excepción de las transferencias que se sujeten a la sección

Sin embargo, LACNIC procesará y registrará la transferencia de recursos IPv4 como resultado de fusiones, adquisiciones, reorganizaciones o reubicaciones, ya sean parciales o completas, tanto si se trata de recursos de ISPs o usuarios finales.

Para tramitar dicho cambio y proceder al registro, se deberá proporcionar documentación legal que lo respalde a criterio de LACNIC, por ejemplo:
o Una copia del documento legal que respalda las transferencias de activos.
o Un inventario detallado de todos los activos utilizados por el solicitante con el cual mantendrá en uso el espacio el recurso.
o Una lista de los clientes de la parte solicitante que usa los recursos.

Además, se deberá justificar también que sigue manteniéndose la necesidad del conjunto de los recursos, obligándose si fuera el caso, al retorno de los excedentes de los mismos o alternativamente a su transferencia a terceras partes, atendiendo a lo que corresponda según las políticas vigentes (2.3.3. y 2.3.4.). En el caso de un retorno, LACNIC determinará las condiciones y plazo.

Comentarios del staff
(Los comentarios son observaciones para ayudar a diferenciar los cambios que presenta la propuesta con respecto al texto actual del Manual de Políticas)

1. La propuesta cambia:
1.1. el objeto de “direcciones IPv4” a “recursos asignados o distribuidos”.
1.2. el título de la subsección de “uniones, adquisiciones o venta” a “fusiones, adquisiciones, reorganizaciones o reubicaciones”.

2. Mantiene la documentación legal que se sugiere entregar a LACNIC.

3. Agrega que se deberá justificar que sigue manteniéndose la necesidad del conjunto de los recursos, obligándose si fuera el caso, al retorno de los excedentes o alternativamente a su transferencia a terceras partes, atendiendo a lo que corresponda según las políticas vigentes (2.3.3. y 2.3.4.). En el caso de un retorno, LACNIC determinará las condiciones y plazo.

4. Respecto a la versión 2, no cambia el texto de la propuesta. Se agrega en la justificación la aclaración de que "todos los casos son válidos (tanto para intra como inter-RIR).

En el manual de políticas se describen “las políticas y procedimientos asociados con la distribución, asignación y administración del espacio de direcciones IPv4, IPv6, ASN y la delegación del espacio de resoluciónn inversa asignados a Latinoamérica y el Caribe”. Por ende, LACNIC interpreta que el manual se refiere a políticas dentro de la región. Las políticas que se refieren situaciones particulares fuera de la región, como ser la se lo menciona específicamente. Por lo cual se recomienda mencionar que esta política es inter-RIR en el texto de la propuesta, debido a que la justificación no queda documentada en el manual.

Fuentes oficiales de referencias

Situación en otros RIRs

RIPE NCC no reconoce el término “Inter-RIR merger” y aceptaría todas las transferencias de recursos numéricos siempre que cumplan con las políticas de transferencias en la región correspondiente. Con respecto a las transferencias de recursos de RIPE NCC hacia otra región, RIPE NCC se regirá por las políticas que apliquen a la región a la cual se transferirá el recurso.

APNIC no permite la transferencia de recursos entre RIRs como resultado de “Mergers and acquisitions”. Actualmente hay una propuesta similar en discusión: https://www.apnic.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/prop-130-v001.txt

Actualmente las políticas de ARIN no serían compatibles porque las propuestas son únicamente para fusiones, adquisiciones, reorganizaciones y reubicaciones. Si LACNIC tuviera políticas de transferencia inter-RIR totalmente recíproca con una justificación basada en las necesidades, sería compatible con ARIN. Sin embargo, las restricciones sobre qué tipos de recursos (solo legados, por ejemplo), o tipos de transferencias (solo M&A, por ejemplo), hacen que no sea recíproca política.
ARIN procesa las transferencias Inter-RIR salientes de acuerdo con la Sección 8.4, Transferencias de destinatarios específicos.

(a confirmar)

Implementación de la propuesta

Si esta propuesta llega a consenso podrá ser implementada en forma inmediata para los casos intra-RIR. Si se especifica que la política es para transferencias inter-RIR en el texto de la propuesta, podrá ser implementada una vez que se haya implementado la política de transferencias inter-RIR (2019-1)


This proposal modifies the mechanism for updating IPv4 resource records in case of mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations and relocations.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

The merger, acquisition, reorganization or relocation of companies or parts of companies is a common occurrence in the Internet and technology sector, among operators and other businesses.

This is also true for other types of organizations and sectors, all of them end-users of the RIRs.

The text of the existing policy is vague in its description of these activities and only considers mergers and acquisitions, without specifying whether it applies to complete or partial mergers or acquisitions.

This proposal seeks to simplify the text and clarify that all cases are valid. It also proposes leaving the supporting documentation up to the staff, as such documentation will not necessarily be the same in every case.

Likewise, the proposal clarifies that mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations and relocations may be either within the LACNIC service region or between different service regions (intra- and inter-RIR changes).

Current text

Current text Mergers, Acquisitions or Sales of ISPs or End Users

LACNIC's policies do not recognize the non-authorized sale or transfer of IPv4 address space and therefore such transfers shall be considered invalid, with the exception of those subject to the provisions of section, such transfers shall be considered invalid.

Should an ISP or end user change ownership due to a merger, sale, or acquisition, the new entity shall register these changes with LACNIC. If the name of the company is modified, legal documentation validating this change of name shall be submitted.

The information that may be requested includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• A copy of the legal document validating the transfer of assets.
• A detailed inventory of all assets used by the applicant for maintaining the IPv4 address space in use.
• A list of the applicant's clients that use portions of the allocated space.


New text: Mergers, Acquisitions, Reorganizations or Relocations

LACNIC will process and register any transfer of IPv4 resources that occurs as a result of a partial or complete, intra-or inter-RIR merger, acquisition, business reorganization or relocation, regardless of whether the resources are held by ISPs or end-users.

To initiate this change and proceed with the registration, legal documentation supporting the operation shall be provided. Such supporting legal documentation will be decided by LACNIC and/or the other RIRs, if applicable.

New text
Analyze diff

Current text Mergers, Acquisitions or Sales of ISPs or End Users

LACNIC's policies do not recognize the non-authorized sale or transfer of IPv4 address space and therefore such transfers shall be considered invalid, with the exception of those subject to the provisions of section, such transfers shall be considered invalid.

Should an ISP or end user change ownership due to a merger, sale, or acquisition, the new entity shall register these changes with LACNIC. If the name of the company is modified, legal documentation validating this change of name shall be submitted.

The information that may be requested includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• A copy of the legal document validating the transfer of assets.
• A detailed inventory of all assets used by the applicant for maintaining the IPv4 address space in use.
• A list of the applicant's clients that use portions of the allocated space.


New text: Mergers, Acquisitions, Reorganizations or Relocations

LACNIC will process and register any transfer of IPv4 resources that occurs as a result of a partial or complete, intra-or inter-RIR merger, acquisition, business reorganization or relocation, regardless of whether the resources are held by ISPs or end-users.

To initiate this change and proceed with the registration, legal documentation supporting the operation shall be provided. Such supporting legal documentation will be decided by LACNIC and/or the other RIRs, if applicable.

Additional information



Immediate implementation


Similar policies with varying levels of “openness” exist in other service regions such as ARIN and RIPE.

In addition, an equivalent policy proposal has been submitted in APNIC and another proposal is being prepared for AfriNIC.
• https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-682
• https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#eight2

Presented at:



This proposal modifies the mechanism for updating IPv4 resource records in case of company mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations and relocations.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

The merger, acquisition, reorganization or relocation of companies or parts of companies is a common occurrence in the Internet and technology sector, among both operators and other businesses.

This is also true for other types of organizations and sectors, all of them end-users of the RIRs.

The text of the existing policy is vague in its description of these activities and only considers mergers and acquisitions, without specifying whether it applies to complete or partial mergers or acquisitions.

This proposal seeks to simplify the text and clarify that all cases are valid. It also proposes leaving the supporting documentation up to the staff, as such documentation will not necessarily be the same in every case.

Current text

Current text Mergers, Acquisitions or Sales of ISPs or End Users

LACNIC's policies do not recognize the non-authorized sale or transfer of IPv4 address space and therefore such transfers shall be considered invalid, with the exception of those subject to the provisions of section, such transfers shall be considered invalid.

Should an ISP or end user change ownership due to a merger, sale, or acquisition, the new entity shall register these changes with LACNIC. If the name of the company is modified, legal documentation validating this change of name shall be submitted.

The information that may be requested includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• A copy of the legal document validating the transfer of assets.
• A detailed inventory of all assets used by the applicant for maintaining the IPv4 address space in use.
• A list of the applicant's clients that use portions of the allocated space.


New text Mergers, Acquisitions, Reorganizations or Relocations

Because LACNIC's policies do not recognize the non-authorized sale or transfer of assigned or allocated resources, such transfers will be considered invalid, with the exception of those subject to the provisions of section

Nevertheless, LACNIC will process and register any IPv4 resource transfer that occurs as a result of a partial or complete merger, acquisition, business reorganization or relocation, regardless of whether the resources are held by an ISP or an end-user.

To initiate this change and proceed with the registration, legal documentation must be submitted which, at the discretion of LACNIC, supports the operation. Examples of such documentation include:
• A copy of the legal document validating the transfer of assets.
• A detailed inventory of all the assets used by the applicant for maintaining the resources in use.
• A list of the applicant's clients using the resources.

In addition, the need to maintain all the resources must also be justified, forcing the return of the surplus resources if applicable or, alternatively, the transfer of such surplus resources to third parties under the policies in force (2.3.3 and 2.3.4.). When resources are to be returned, LACNIC will determine the corresponding conditions and deadline.

New text
Analyze diff

Current text Mergers, Acquisitions or Sales of ISPs or End Users

LACNIC's policies do not recognize the non-authorized sale or transfer of IPv4 address space and therefore such transfers shall be considered invalid, with the exception of those subject to the provisions of section, such transfers shall be considered invalid.

Should an ISP or end user change ownership due to a merger, sale, or acquisition, the new entity shall register these changes with LACNIC. If the name of the company is modified, legal documentation validating this change of name shall be submitted.

The information that may be requested includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• A copy of the legal document validating the transfer of assets.
• A detailed inventory of all assets used by the applicant for maintaining the IPv4 address space in use.
• A list of the applicant's clients that use portions of the allocated space.


New text Mergers, Acquisitions, Reorganizations or Relocations

Because LACNIC's policies do not recognize the non-authorized sale or transfer of assigned or allocated resources, such transfers will be considered invalid, with the exception of those subject to the provisions of section

Nevertheless, LACNIC will process and register any IPv4 resource transfer that occurs as a result of a partial or complete merger, acquisition, business reorganization or relocation, regardless of whether the resources are held by an ISP or an end-user.

To initiate this change and proceed with the registration, legal documentation must be submitted which, at the discretion of LACNIC, supports the operation. Examples of such documentation include:
• A copy of the legal document validating the transfer of assets.
• A detailed inventory of all the assets used by the applicant for maintaining the resources in use.
• A list of the applicant's clients using the resources.

In addition, the need to maintain all the resources must also be justified, forcing the return of the surplus resources if applicable or, alternatively, the transfer of such surplus resources to third parties under the policies in force (2.3.3 and 2.3.4.). When resources are to be returned, LACNIC will determine the corresponding conditions and deadline.

Additional information

In extreme cases, the non-existence of this policy might result in this issue being taken to the courts if LACNIC refuses to update the registry for any type of resources, and, based on the legislation currently in force in Uruguay, the courts might force LACNIC to modify the registry. We believe that having this policy would avoid this situation and allows maintaining control according to the wishes of the community. It would also avoid legal costs to both parties involved.


Immediate implementation


Similar policies with varying levels of “openness” exist in other service regions such as ARIN and RIPE.

In addition, an equivalent policy proposal has been submitted in APNIC and another proposal is being prepared for AfriNIC.
• https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-682
• https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#eight2

Presented at:

LACNIC 31 (06/05/2019)


This proposal modifies the mechanism for updating IPv4 resource records in case of company mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations and relocations.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

The merger, acquisition, reorganization or relocation of companies or parts of companies is a common occurrence in the Internet and technology sector, among both operators and other businesses.

This is also true for other types of organizations and sectors, all of them end-users of the RIRs.

The text of the existing policy is vague in its description of these activities and only considers mergers and acquisitions, without specifying whether it applies to complete or partial mergers or acquisitions.

This proposal seeks to simplify the text and clarify that all cases are valid (both Intra and Inter-RIR). It also proposes leaving the supporting documentation up to the staff, as such documentation will not necessarily be the same in every case.

Current text Mergers, Acquisitions or Sales of ISPs or End Users

LACNIC's policies do not recognize the non-authorized sale or transfer of IPv4 address space and therefore such transfers shall be considered invalid, with the exception of those subject to the provisions of section, such transfers shall be considered invalid.

Should an ISP or end user change ownership due to a merger, sale, or acquisition, the new entity shall register these changes with LACNIC. If the name of the company is modified, legal documentation validating this change of name shall be submitted.

The information that may be requested includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• A copy of the legal document validating the transfer of assets.
• A detailed inventory of all assets used by the applicant for maintaining the IPv4 address space in use.
• A list of the applicant's clients that use portions of the allocated space.

New text
Analyze diff Mergers, Acquisitions, Reorganizations or Relocations

Because LACNIC's policies do not recognize the non-authorized sale or transfer of assigned or allocated resources, such transfers will be considered invalid, with the exception of those subject to the provisions of section

Nevertheless, LACNIC will process and register any IPv4 resource transfer that occurs as a result of a partial or complete merger, acquisition, business reorganization or relocation, regardless of whether the resources are held by an ISP or an end-user.

To initiate this change and proceed with the registration, legal documentation must be submitted which, at the discretion of LACNIC, supports the operation. Examples of such documentation include:
• A copy of the legal document validating the transfer of assets.
• A detailed inventory of all the assets used by the applicant for maintaining the resources in use.
• A list of the applicant's clients using the resources.

In addition, the need to maintain all the resources must also be justified, forcing the return of the surplus resources if applicable or, alternatively, the transfer of such surplus resources to third parties under the policies in force (2.3.3 and 2.3.4.). When resources are to be returned, LACNIC will determine the corresponding conditions and deadline.

Additional information

In extreme cases, the non-existence of this policy might result in this issue being taken to the courts if LACNIC refuses to update the registry for any type of resources, and, based on the legislation currently in force in Uruguay, the courts might force LACNIC to modify the registry. We believe that having this policy would avoid this situation and allows maintaining control according to the wishes of the community. It would also avoid legal costs to both parties involved.


Immediate implementation


Similar policies with varying levels of “openness” exist in other service regions such as ARIN and RIPE.

In addition, an equivalent policy proposal has been submitted in APNIC and another proposal is being prepared for AfriNIC.
• https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-682
• https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#eight2

Presented at:

LACNIC 32 (06/10/2019)