Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List - N/D

General information

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Jordi Palet Martinez - Version [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Edwin Salazar - Version [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
In discussion
28/04/2021 - 11/10/2021
First consensus
11/10/2021 - 25/10/2021
Did not reach consensus

Public comments by LACNIC staff for this version

Impact Analysis LAC-2018-13 - v6: Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List

LACNIC Staff's Interpretation of the Proposal

Author: Jordi Palet

This proposal modifies the PDP, adding Section 8: Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List

Modifications to the current text:
This proposal adds several items to the PDP in a new “Section 8.”

Text of the proposal:

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List
8.1. Purpose, Operation and Acceptable Use of the Public Policy List
The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.
Unless prior and explicit authorization is provided by the chairs, any discussion outside of this scope is not allowed. (Author's footnote: By way of example, event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (even if related to an election), and comments for or against candidates are excluded.)
Only the members of the Board of Directors, the Electoral Commission and the LACNIC staff may publish announcements regarding PDP chair elections.
Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the appropriate actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation must be reported exclusively to the chairs.
LACNIC shall implement a system that guarantees that subscribers will read the PDP and the AUP, confirming their acceptance. Should they choose not to do so, they will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, such messages must also remind subscribers of the AUP.
Likewise, at the bottom of each message, a link will be included to allow list subscribers to manage their subscription preferences.
LACNIC shall incorporate systems that allow detecting, in so far as possible, the accounts used to breach the AUP.
Messages posted to the list will be archived and publicly available. The integrity of this file may not be modified except through legal mechanisms.
In very exceptional cases (Author's footnote: For example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that might affect the normal functioning of the list), the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for the decision. Such moderation will be only for brief, perfectly defined periods of time, ensuring that messages are not delayed longer than strictly necessary. For this task, the chairs will be supported by the staff.
The AUP has been designed based on current use, as an official means of communication of the PDP, of the Public Policy List. If additional systems are adopted that bidirectionally replicate the list (e.g., forums, applications), the AUP will apply under the same or technically equivalent conditions.
8.2. Violations of the Applicable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List
At the discretion of the chairs, the following may be considered violations of the AUP:
a) Any use of the list that goes against the AUP.
b) Ad hominem attacks, foul language, disrespect, and the sending or forwarding of private messages (unless with the prior and explicit consent of the parties involved).
c) Replies to inappropriate messages.
d) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe, email address modification and other similar requests.
In addition, if evidence exists:
e) Use of the list to collect participants’ contact information and the use of such information to send spam (any previously and explicitly unrequested email).
f) Any attempt to commit fraud or bypass a penalty, for example, by using alternative mail addresses.
The chairs may determine that other actions also constitute unacceptable uses of the list.
8.3. Penalties in Case of Violation of the AUP
Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account any relevant cultural aspects and language differences.
At the discretion of the chairs, the first violation of the AUP may result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which may be extended in the case of successive violations.
In addition, violations related to election processes are considered extremely serious and will be reported to the Board of Directors and the Electoral Commission.
LACNIC Staff Comments:

1) It is important to keep in mind that the Policy Forum is the community that participates in the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) and NRO Review Committee (NRO RC) election processes.

2) In item 8.1, the author notes: “Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the appropriate actions, announcing their decision through the list.”
This implies that the two chairs will act as a conflict resolution court in matters relating to the AUP, which is inappropriate for the following reasons:
- The impossibility of solving cases in which they are involved
- The time they may need to settle these issues
- The complexity of deciding on conduct issues involving two different persons

3) Regarding the possibility of guaranteeing that subscribers read the PDP and the AUP, LACNIC will guarantee that subscribing to the list implies acceptance of the AUP.

4) As for: “Messages posted to the list will be archived and publicly available. The integrity of this file may not be modified except through legal mechanisms,” LACNIC understands that, in the event of legal risks, LACNIC authorities may find themselves forced to preventively modify the publicly available file of the Policy list until the corresponding legal actions are defined.

5) As for the temporary moderation of the list, LACNIC believes that, in case of operational risks, the organization's authorities may find themselves forced to moderate it, informing the chairs —and consequently, the list— of the situation.

6) Regarding item 8.2.c, it is our opinion that the phrase “Replies to inappropriate message” is not very clear. We believe that “inappropriate messages” should be defined before stating that they violate the AUP.

7) LACNIC understands that the cases listed in item 8.2.d do not generally affect the proper use of the list unless a subscriber abuses this type of messages or requests. Auto-reply messages are common practice, so considering them a violation of the AUP might be excessive.

8) Continuing with Section 8.2, regarding the following text: “The chairs may determine that other actions also constitute unacceptable uses of the list.”
We believe that this item makes sense if different instances are established for the treatment of those in violation of the AUP: first, a warning by the chairs; then, a formal resolution by the Ethics Committee.

9) Regarding global participation on the list, LACNIC wishes to clarify that all regional and global participants should be responsible for understanding, accepting, and adapting to the values and cultural context of both the Forum and the list. The chairs should not have to consider every possible cultural variant of our region and the world.


1) Based on our comments regarding 8.1:
- We suggest replacing the following text: “Only the members of the Board of Directors, the Electoral Commission and the LACNIC staff may publish announcements regarding PDP chair elections” with this other text: “Only the Board, the Electoral Commission, and the LACNIC staff may publish announcements regarding election processes where the voters registry is comprised of the Forum community.”
- To define, in the medium term, an ethics committee for the AUP (PDP) (See staff comment #2).
- LACNIC's Ethics Committee should temporarily be the body responsible for following up on these complaints until the AUP ethics committee has been created.

2) Delete item 8.2.d.

3) Considering Recommendation #1 and Staff Comment #9, we suggest reframing the following text: “Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account any relevant cultural aspects and language differences.”

Official References:
- RIPE Community Code of Conduct:
- ARIN Mailing List Acceptable Use Policy:
- APNIC Mailing List Code of Conduct:
- AFRINIC Community Code of Conduct

Impact of the policy on LACNIC's systems
If this proposal is approved, its implementation will require software development time.


This proposal seeks to implement an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List, as no such document currently exists.

Several aspects were considered when writing the proposed AUP, as well as examples of the AUPs used for other lists. However, this AUP takes into account the specifics and objectives of the Policy List itself.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

On several occasions, the Policy List has seen annoying activities that are contrary to its purpose and spirit, including cases of misuse, various attacks and, recently, electoral propaganda.

These activities must be avoided, and participants must explicitly know what is allowed and what is not allowed on the list, as well as the sanctions in case of non-compliance. If not, these situations will continue to repeat themselves, harming the community as a whole.

Global participation from all corners of the world, each with its own time zone, makes it impossible to solve the situation either permanently or repeatedly by implementing temporary moderation of the list, as this affects the openness of the list and especially its dynamics, essential features of the Policy Development Process, which is open by definition – it is specified that the list must be “completely open.” Any form of moderation constitutes censorship, even if only temporary, and therefore breaches the principle of openness.

Current text

Current text: No existing text.

New text:

(Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List
a) The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.
b) Any discussion outside this scope, including but not limited to, event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral advertising), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list.
c) Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates to fill a position as PDP chair, as well as the voting procedure, dates and results, when appropriate in each case, and using the procedure that is established, which will necessarily be outside the list.
d) Consequently, candidate nominations or expressions for or against a candidate, or similar actions are not allowed on the list and must adhere to the electoral process outside the list.
e) Ad hominem attacks, foul language and disrespect are contrary to the AUP.
f) Considering the global nature of list participants, the chairs should take into account relevant cultural aspects and language differences when deciding on the moderation of a participant.
g) Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation will be reported directly to the chairs.
h) Responding to improper messages posted to the list by a third party also constitutes a violation of the AUP.
i) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe requests, email address modification requests, or similar are also prohibited on the list and constitute a violation of the AUP. To avoid such requests, the footer of each message posted to the list will contain a link to the webpage where each participant will be able to manage their subscription.
j) Other violations of the AUP include using the list to collect participants’ contact information and using such information for sending spam.
k) The first violation of the AUP will automatically result in a temporary suspension of the right to post to the list for one month, which will be extended to one year in case of a second violation. At the discretion of the chairs, successive violations may result in longer suspension periods.
l) Attempted fraud by a suspended participant, e.g. the use of an alternative mail address, is also considered a violation of the AUP. In addition, in this case, participants will be disqualified as candidates and will also lose their right to nominate candidates for any of LACNIC's electoral process for a period of four years.
m) Mailing list posts are archived, publicly available and may not be censored.
n) The text of this article of the PDP will be emailed to all Public Policy List subscribers, as a reminder, before each electoral process in the community, with the subject line “Election Silence,” along with a link to the full text of the PDP.
o) Likewise, this text and a link to the full text of the PDP will be sent to each new list subscriber, along with a link to a site where they must explicitly check their acceptance of the AUP and confirm that they are familiar with the PDP in order to confirm their registration. Until that link is confirmed by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list.
p) The Public Policy List may not be moderated, as this would affect the list dynamics. In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for the decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind which affect the normal functioning of the list, provided that this is only for short and perfectly delimited periods of time and that there is the guarantee that messages will not be delayed for more than eight hours.

New text
Analyze diff

Current text: No existing text.

New text:

(Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List
a) The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.
b) Any discussion outside this scope, including but not limited to, event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral advertising), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list.
c) Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates to fill a position as PDP chair, as well as the voting procedure, dates and results, when appropriate in each case, and using the procedure that is established, which will necessarily be outside the list.
d) Consequently, candidate nominations or expressions for or against a candidate, or similar actions are not allowed on the list and must adhere to the electoral process outside the list.
e) Ad hominem attacks, foul language and disrespect are contrary to the AUP.
f) Considering the global nature of list participants, the chairs should take into account relevant cultural aspects and language differences when deciding on the moderation of a participant.
g) Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation will be reported directly to the chairs.
h) Responding to improper messages posted to the list by a third party also constitutes a violation of the AUP.
i) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe requests, email address modification requests, or similar are also prohibited on the list and constitute a violation of the AUP. To avoid such requests, the footer of each message posted to the list will contain a link to the webpage where each participant will be able to manage their subscription.
j) Other violations of the AUP include using the list to collect participants’ contact information and using such information for sending spam.
k) The first violation of the AUP will automatically result in a temporary suspension of the right to post to the list for one month, which will be extended to one year in case of a second violation. At the discretion of the chairs, successive violations may result in longer suspension periods.
l) Attempted fraud by a suspended participant, e.g. the use of an alternative mail address, is also considered a violation of the AUP. In addition, in this case, participants will be disqualified as candidates and will also lose their right to nominate candidates for any of LACNIC's electoral process for a period of four years.
m) Mailing list posts are archived, publicly available and may not be censored.
n) The text of this article of the PDP will be emailed to all Public Policy List subscribers, as a reminder, before each electoral process in the community, with the subject line “Election Silence,” along with a link to the full text of the PDP.
o) Likewise, this text and a link to the full text of the PDP will be sent to each new list subscriber, along with a link to a site where they must explicitly check their acceptance of the AUP and confirm that they are familiar with the PDP in order to confirm their registration. Until that link is confirmed by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list.
p) The Public Policy List may not be moderated, as this would affect the list dynamics. In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for the decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind which affect the normal functioning of the list, provided that this is only for short and perfectly delimited periods of time and that there is the guarantee that messages will not be delayed for more than eight hours.

Additional information

If this proposal achieves consensus, once it is ratified by the Board, this text will be emailed to all Public Policy List subscribers along with a link to a page where they will have to explicitly check their acceptance of the AUP and confirm that they are familiar with the PDP. Until that link is confirmed by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list.


Immediate implementation


AUPs are commonly used for for mailing lists, including those of several RIRs. Many examples were considered when drafting this proposal.

Presented at:



This proposal seeks to implement an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List, as no such document currently exists.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

On several occasions there have been annoying activities that are contrary to the purpose and spirit of the Policy List, cases of misuse, various attacks and even election advertising.

Participants must have explicit knowledge of what can and cannot be done on the list, as well as the potential penalties for infringing the rules. Otherwise, we will continue to see these actions that affect the community as a whole.

The global nature of list participants and the fact that participants are in different time zones make it impossible to solve this issue either permanently or repetitively by implementing temporary moderations of the list. Such moderation affects the openness of the list and especially its dynamics, two essential features of the Policy Development Process, which specifies that the list must be “completely open.” Any form of moderation constitutes censorship, even if only temporary, and therefore breaches the principle of openness.

Current text

Current text: N/A

New text:

(Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List
a) The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.
b) Any discussion outside this scope, including but not limited to, event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral advertising), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list. Note that the examples listed above are for illustrative purposes only.
c) Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates and the voting procedure. The remaining steps of the procedure will necessarily take place outside the list. By way of example, candidate nominations, expressions for or against a candidate, or similar actions are not allowed on the list.
d) Ad hominem attacks, foul language and disrespect are contrary to the AUP.
e) Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take any corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation must be reported directly to the chairs.
f) Inappropriate responses to inappropriate messages posted to the list by a third party also constitute a violation of the AUP.
g) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe requests, email address modification or similar requests are also prohibited on the list and constitute a violation of the AUP. To avoid such requests, the footer of each message posted to the list will contain a link to the webpage where each participant will be able to manage their subscription.
h) Other violations of the AUP include using the list to collect participants’ contact information and using such information to send spam. To this end, LACNIC will periodically add email addresses outside its domains which will be used exclusively to perform this check, as a “honeypot.”
i) Attempted fraud by a suspended participant, e.g. the use of an alternative mail address, is also considered a violation of the AUP.
j) Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account relevant cultural aspects and language differences.
k) Mailing list posts are archived, they are publicly available and may not be censored.
l) A link to the PDP and the text of the AUP will be sent to each new list subscriber, who must explicitly check their acceptance. Until confirming this link by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, they must also remind subscribers of the AUP.
m) In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of the moderation and the reasons for their decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that may affect the normal functioning of the list, provided that the moderation is only for brief and perfectly defined periods and that there is the guarantee that messages will not be delayed more than eight hours (approximately), for which the chairs will be supported by the staff.

8.1 Enforcement
The first violation of the AUP will automatically result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which will be extended to one (1) year in case of a second violation. At the discretion of the chairs, successive violations may result in longer suspensions.

Violations of item i) above may result in the loss of the right to be a candidate, as well as the right to nominate candidates, in election processes for four (4) years.

New text
Analyze diff

Current text: N/A

New text:

(Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List
a) The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.
b) Any discussion outside this scope, including but not limited to, event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral advertising), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list. Note that the examples listed above are for illustrative purposes only.
c) Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates and the voting procedure. The remaining steps of the procedure will necessarily take place outside the list. By way of example, candidate nominations, expressions for or against a candidate, or similar actions are not allowed on the list.
d) Ad hominem attacks, foul language and disrespect are contrary to the AUP.
e) Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take any corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation must be reported directly to the chairs.
f) Inappropriate responses to inappropriate messages posted to the list by a third party also constitute a violation of the AUP.
g) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe requests, email address modification or similar requests are also prohibited on the list and constitute a violation of the AUP. To avoid such requests, the footer of each message posted to the list will contain a link to the webpage where each participant will be able to manage their subscription.
h) Other violations of the AUP include using the list to collect participants’ contact information and using such information to send spam. To this end, LACNIC will periodically add email addresses outside its domains which will be used exclusively to perform this check, as a “honeypot.”
i) Attempted fraud by a suspended participant, e.g. the use of an alternative mail address, is also considered a violation of the AUP.
j) Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account relevant cultural aspects and language differences.
k) Mailing list posts are archived, they are publicly available and may not be censored.
l) A link to the PDP and the text of the AUP will be sent to each new list subscriber, who must explicitly check their acceptance. Until confirming this link by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, they must also remind subscribers of the AUP.
m) In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of the moderation and the reasons for their decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that may affect the normal functioning of the list, provided that the moderation is only for brief and perfectly defined periods and that there is the guarantee that messages will not be delayed more than eight hours (approximately), for which the chairs will be supported by the staff.

8.1 Enforcement
The first violation of the AUP will automatically result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which will be extended to one (1) year in case of a second violation. At the discretion of the chairs, successive violations may result in longer suspensions.

Violations of item i) above may result in the loss of the right to be a candidate, as well as the right to nominate candidates, in election processes for four (4) years.

Additional information

If this proposal achieves consensus, once it is ratified by the Board, this text will be emailed to all Public Policy List subscribers along with a link to a page where they will have to explicitly check their acceptance of the AUP and confirm that they are familiar with the PDP. Until that link is confirmed by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list.


Immediate implementation


AUPs are commonly used for mailing lists, including those of several RIRs. Many examples were considered when drafting this proposal.

Presented at:



This proposal seeks to implement an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List, as no such document currently exists.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

On several occasions there have been annoying activities that are contrary to the purpose and spirit of the Policy List, cases of misuse, various attacks and even election advertising.

Participants must have explicit knowledge of what can and cannot be done on the list, as well as the potential penalties for infringing the rules. Otherwise, we will continue to see these actions that affect the community as a whole.

The global nature of list participants and the fact that participants are in different time zones make it impossible to solve this issue either permanently or repetitively by implementing temporary moderations of the list. This moderation affects the openness of the list and especially its dynamics, two essential features of the Policy Development Process, which specifies that the list must be “completely open.” Any form of moderation constitutes censorship, even if only temporary, and therefore breaches the principle of openness.

Current text

Current text: N/A

New text:

(Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List

8.1. Purpose, Operation and Acceptable Use of the Public Policy List

The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.

Except in case of prior and explicit decision of the chairs, any discussion not in line with this purpose, such as event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral propaganda), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list. Note that the examples listed above are for illustrative purposes only.

Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates and the voting procedure. The remaining steps in the procedure will necessarily take place off the list. By way of example, candidate nominations, expressions for or against a candidate or other similar actions are not allowed on the list.

Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation must be reported exclusively to the chairs.

A link to the PDP and the text of the AUP will be sent to each new list subscriber, who must explicitly check their acceptance. Until confirming this link by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, such messages must also remind subscribers of the AUP.

Likewise, the at the bottom of each message, a link will be included to allow list subscribers to manage their subscription preferences.

LACNIC will periodically add different email addresses outside its domains to be used as a honeypot.

All mailing list posts are archived, they are publicly available and may not be censored by LACNIC.

In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for their decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that might affect the normal functioning of the list, provided that the moderation is only for brief and perfectly defined periods of time and that there is the guarantee that messages will not be delayed more than eight hours (approximately). For this task the chairs will be supported by the staff.

If additional mechanisms are used other than a mailing list (forums, applications, etc.), the entire content of this policy will also apply, under the same or technically equivalent terms.

8.2. Violations of the Applicable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List

The following are considered violations of the AUP:

a) Any use of the list that goes against the section above, as well as any announcement without the prior and explicit authorization of the chairs, including those related to an electoral process.
b) Ad hominem attacks, foul language, disrespect, and the sending (or forwarding) of private messages (unless with the prior and explicit consent of the parties involved).
c) Responses to inappropriate messages.
d) Auto-reply messages as well as unsubscribe, email address modification and other similar requests.
e) Use of the list to collect participants’ contact information and using such information for sending spam (any message that has not been previously and explicitly requested).
i) Any attempt to commit fraud or bypass a penalty, such as the use of alternative mail addresses.

Based on the above, the chairs may determine what other actions also constitute unacceptable uses of the list.

8.3. Penalties in Case of Violation of the AUP

Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account relevant cultural aspects and language differences.

The first violation of the AUP will automatically result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which will be extended to one (1) year in case of a second violation. At the discretion of the chairs, successive violations may result in longer suspensions.

Violations relating to election processes may result in the loss of the right to participate as a candidate, as well as the right to nominate candidates, in election processes for four (4) years. This penalty may also apply in case of repeat violations once the offender has been penalized for at least one year.

New text
Analyze diff

Current text: N/A

New text:

(Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List

8.1. Purpose, Operation and Acceptable Use of the Public Policy List

The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.

Except in case of prior and explicit decision of the chairs, any discussion not in line with this purpose, such as event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral propaganda), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list. Note that the examples listed above are for illustrative purposes only.

Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates and the voting procedure. The remaining steps in the procedure will necessarily take place off the list. By way of example, candidate nominations, expressions for or against a candidate or other similar actions are not allowed on the list.

Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation must be reported exclusively to the chairs.

A link to the PDP and the text of the AUP will be sent to each new list subscriber, who must explicitly check their acceptance. Until confirming this link by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, such messages must also remind subscribers of the AUP.

Likewise, the at the bottom of each message, a link will be included to allow list subscribers to manage their subscription preferences.

LACNIC will periodically add different email addresses outside its domains to be used as a honeypot.

All mailing list posts are archived, they are publicly available and may not be censored by LACNIC.

In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for their decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that might affect the normal functioning of the list, provided that the moderation is only for brief and perfectly defined periods of time and that there is the guarantee that messages will not be delayed more than eight hours (approximately). For this task the chairs will be supported by the staff.

If additional mechanisms are used other than a mailing list (forums, applications, etc.), the entire content of this policy will also apply, under the same or technically equivalent terms.

8.2. Violations of the Applicable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List

The following are considered violations of the AUP:

a) Any use of the list that goes against the section above, as well as any announcement without the prior and explicit authorization of the chairs, including those related to an electoral process.
b) Ad hominem attacks, foul language, disrespect, and the sending (or forwarding) of private messages (unless with the prior and explicit consent of the parties involved).
c) Responses to inappropriate messages.
d) Auto-reply messages as well as unsubscribe, email address modification and other similar requests.
e) Use of the list to collect participants’ contact information and using such information for sending spam (any message that has not been previously and explicitly requested).
i) Any attempt to commit fraud or bypass a penalty, such as the use of alternative mail addresses.

Based on the above, the chairs may determine what other actions also constitute unacceptable uses of the list.

8.3. Penalties in Case of Violation of the AUP

Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account relevant cultural aspects and language differences.

The first violation of the AUP will automatically result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which will be extended to one (1) year in case of a second violation. At the discretion of the chairs, successive violations may result in longer suspensions.

Violations relating to election processes may result in the loss of the right to participate as a candidate, as well as the right to nominate candidates, in election processes for four (4) years. This penalty may also apply in case of repeat violations once the offender has been penalized for at least one year.

Additional information

If this proposal achieves consensus, once it is ratified by the Board, this text will be emailed to all Public Policy List subscribers along with a link to a page where they will have to explicitly check their acceptance of the AUP and confirm that they are familiar with the PDP. Until confirming this link by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list.


Immediate implementation


AUPs are commonly used for mailing lists, including those of several RIRs. Many examples were considered when drafting this proposal.

Presented at:

LACNIC 31 (06/05/2019)


This proposal seeks to implement an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List, as no such document currently exists.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

On several occasions there have been annoying activities that are contrary to the purpose and spirit of the Policy List, cases of misuse, various attacks and even election advertising.

Participants should have explicit knowledge of what can and cannot be done on the list, as well as of the potential penalties for infringing the rules. Otherwise, we will continue to see these actions that affect the community as a whole.

The global nature of list participants and the fact that they are posting from different time zones make it impossible to solve this issue either permanently or repetitively by implementing a temporary moderation of the list. This moderation affects the openness of the list and especially its dynamics, two essential features of the Policy Development Process, which specifies that the list must be “completely open.” Any form of moderation constitutes censorship, even if only temporary, and therefore breaches the principle of openness.

Current text

Current text: does not exist

New text:

Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List

8.1. Purpose, Operation and Acceptable Use of the Public Policy List

The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of

policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.

Except in case of prior and explicit decision of the chairs, any discussion not in line with this purpose, such as event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral propaganda), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list. Note that the examples listed above are for illustrative purposes only.

Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates and the voting procedure. The remaining steps of the procedure will necessarily take place off the list. By way of example, candidate nominations, expressions for or against a candidate or other similar actions are not allowed on the list.

Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation must be reported exclusively to the chairs.

A link to the PDP and the text of the AUP will be sent to each new list subscriber, who must explicitly check their acceptance. Until confirming this link by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, such messages must also remind subscribers of the AUP.

Likewise, at the bottom of each message, a link will be included to allow list subscribers to manage their subscription preferences.

LACNIC will periodically add different email addresses outside its domains to be used as a honeypot.

Mailing list posts are archived, they are publicly available and may not be censored by LACNIC.

In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for their decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that might affect the normal functioning of the list. Such moderation will be only for brief, perfectly defined periods of time, ensuring that messages will not be delayed longer than strictly necessary. For this, the chairs will be supported by the staff.

The AUP has been designed based on current use, as an official means of communication of the PDP, of the Public Policy List. However, if additional systems other than the list are used in the future (e.g. forums or applications) that “replicate” the list (i.e. if everything that is posted on the list is automatically posted on such systems and vice versa), the AUP

will apply under the same or technically equivalent conditions.

8.2. Violations of the Applicable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List

At the discretion of the chairs, the following are considered violations of the AUP:
a) Any use of the list that goes against the section above, as well as any announcement without the prior and explicit authorization of the chairs, including those related to an election process.
b) Ad hominem attacks, foul language, disrespect, and the sending (or forwarding) of private messages (unless with the prior and explicit consent of the parties involved).
c) Replies to inappropriate messages.
d) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe, email address modification and other similar requests.

In addition, when evidence exists:
e) Use of the list to collect participants’ contact information and the use of such information to send spam (any previously and explicitly unrequested email).
f) Any attempt to commit fraud or bypass a penalty, for example, by using alternative mail addresses. The chairs may determine what other actions also constitute unacceptable uses of the list.

8.3. Penalties in Case of Violation of the AUP

Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account any relevant cultural aspects and language differences.

The first violation of the AUP may result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which may be extended up to one (1) year in case of a second violation. At the discretion of the chairs, successive violations may result in longer suspensions.

Violations relating to election processes are considered extremely serious and may result in the loss of the right to participate as a candidate, as well as of the right to nominate candidates, in election processes for two (2) years and for up to four (4) years in case of repeated violations.

New text
Analyze diff

Current text: does not exist

New text:

Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List

8.1. Purpose, Operation and Acceptable Use of the Public Policy List

The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of

policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.

Except in case of prior and explicit decision of the chairs, any discussion not in line with this purpose, such as event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral propaganda), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list. Note that the examples listed above are for illustrative purposes only.

Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates and the voting procedure. The remaining steps of the procedure will necessarily take place off the list. By way of example, candidate nominations, expressions for or against a candidate or other similar actions are not allowed on the list.

Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation must be reported exclusively to the chairs.

A link to the PDP and the text of the AUP will be sent to each new list subscriber, who must explicitly check their acceptance. Until confirming this link by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, such messages must also remind subscribers of the AUP.

Likewise, at the bottom of each message, a link will be included to allow list subscribers to manage their subscription preferences.

LACNIC will periodically add different email addresses outside its domains to be used as a honeypot.

Mailing list posts are archived, they are publicly available and may not be censored by LACNIC.

In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for their decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that might affect the normal functioning of the list. Such moderation will be only for brief, perfectly defined periods of time, ensuring that messages will not be delayed longer than strictly necessary. For this, the chairs will be supported by the staff.

The AUP has been designed based on current use, as an official means of communication of the PDP, of the Public Policy List. However, if additional systems other than the list are used in the future (e.g. forums or applications) that “replicate” the list (i.e. if everything that is posted on the list is automatically posted on such systems and vice versa), the AUP

will apply under the same or technically equivalent conditions.

8.2. Violations of the Applicable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List

At the discretion of the chairs, the following are considered violations of the AUP:
a) Any use of the list that goes against the section above, as well as any announcement without the prior and explicit authorization of the chairs, including those related to an election process.
b) Ad hominem attacks, foul language, disrespect, and the sending (or forwarding) of private messages (unless with the prior and explicit consent of the parties involved).
c) Replies to inappropriate messages.
d) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe, email address modification and other similar requests.

In addition, when evidence exists:
e) Use of the list to collect participants’ contact information and the use of such information to send spam (any previously and explicitly unrequested email).
f) Any attempt to commit fraud or bypass a penalty, for example, by using alternative mail addresses. The chairs may determine what other actions also constitute unacceptable uses of the list.

8.3. Penalties in Case of Violation of the AUP

Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account any relevant cultural aspects and language differences.

The first violation of the AUP may result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which may be extended up to one (1) year in case of a second violation. At the discretion of the chairs, successive violations may result in longer suspensions.

Violations relating to election processes are considered extremely serious and may result in the loss of the right to participate as a candidate, as well as of the right to nominate candidates, in election processes for two (2) years and for up to four (4) years in case of repeated violations.

Additional information

If this proposal achieves consensus, once it is ratified by the Board, this text will be emailed to all Public Policy List subscribers along with a link to a page where they will have to explicitly check their acceptance of the AUP and confirm that they are familiar with the PDP. Until confirming this link by checking both options, the subscriber will only be able to receive messages from the list.

If system used for the list (mailman or similar) creates any difficulties for implementing the proposal, it is expected that the proposal will become effective once it reaches consensus, even if certain “technical” aspects cannot be immediately implemented. For example, it would be enough to immediately send the AUP to the Policy list without limiting subscribers’ ability to post to the list, and then, once the system is ready, subscribers would be required to accept the AUP in order to continue to post to the list.


Immediate implementation


AUPs are commonly used for mailing lists, including those of several RIRs. Many examples were considered when drafting this proposal.

Presented at:

LACNIC 32 (06/10/2019)


This proposal seeks to implement an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List, as no such document currently exists.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

On several occasions there have been annoying activities that are contrary to the purpose and spirit of the Policy List, cases of misuse, various attacks and even election advertising.

Participants should have explicit knowledge of what can and cannot be done on the list, as well as of the potential penalties for infringing the rules. Otherwise, we will continue to see these actions that affect the community as a whole.

The global nature of list participants and the fact that they are posting from different time zones make it impossible to solve this issue either permanently or repetitively by implementing a temporary moderation of the list. This moderation affects the openness of the list and especially its dynamics, two essential features of the Policy Development Process, which specifies that the list must be “completely open.” Any form of moderation constitutes censorship, even if only temporary, and therefore breaches the principle of openness.

Current text


New text
Analyze diff

(Note: The following text would be added at the end of the current PDP.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List

8.1. Purpose, Operation and Acceptable Use of the Public Policy List

The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.

Except in case of prior and explicit decision of the chairs, any discussion not in line with this purpose, such as event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (including electoral propaganda), expressions of support for candidates and, in general, any topic that is not explicitly policy-related, is outside the scope of this list. Note that the examples listed above are for illustrative purposes only.

Only the chairs and/or LACNIC staff may call for and/or announce candidates and the voting procedure. The remaining steps of the procedure will necessarily take place off the list. By way of example, candidate nominations, expressions for or against a candidate or other similar actions are not allowed on the list.

Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the corresponding actions, announcing their decision through the list. Any suspected violation must be reported exclusively to the chairs.

LACNIC shall implement a system that guarantees that subscribers will read the PDP (and especially the AUP) and confirm its acceptance. Should they choose not to do so, they will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, such messages must also remind subscribers of the AUP.”

Likewise, at the bottom of each message, a link will be included to allow list subscribers to manage their subscription preferences.

LACNIC shall incorporate systems that allow detecting, in so far as possible, the accounts used to breach the AUP. By way of an example, emails that are not part of the LACNIC domains may periodically be added to the list to serve as a honeypot.

Mailing list posts are archived, they are publicly available and may not be censored by LACNIC.

In very exceptional cases, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for their decision, for example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that might affect the normal functioning of the list. Such moderation will be only for brief, perfectly defined periods of time, ensuring that messages will not be delayed longer than strictly necessary. For this, the chairs will be supported by the staff.

The AUP has been designed based on current use, as an official means of communication of the PDP, of the Public Policy List. However, if additional systems other than the list are used in the future (e.g. forums or applications) that “replicate” the list (i.e. if everything that is posted on the list is automatically posted on such systems and vice versa), the AUP will apply under the same or technically equivalent conditions.

8.2. Violations of the Applicable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List

At the discretion of the chairs, the following may be considered violations of the AUP:
a) Any use of the list that goes against the section above, as well as any announcement without the prior and explicit authorization of the chairs, including those related to an election process.
b) Ad hominem attacks, foul language, disrespect, and the sending (or forwarding) of private messages (unless with the prior and explicit consent of the parties involved).
c) Replies to inappropriate messages.
d) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe, email address modification and other similar requests.

In addition, if evidence exists:
e) Use of the list to collect participants’ contact information and the use of such information to send spam (any previously and explicitly unrequested email).
f) Any attempt to commit fraud or bypass a penalty, for example, by using alternative mail addresses.

The chairs may determine what other actions also constitute unacceptable uses of the list.

8.3. Penalties in Case of Violation of the AUP

Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account any relevant cultural aspects and language differences.

At the discretion of the chairs, the first violation of the AUP may result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which may be extended up to one (1) year in case of a second violation. Successive violations may result in longer suspensions.

Violations relating to election processes are considered extremely serious and may result in the loss of the right to participate as a candidate, as well as of the right to nominate candidates, in PDP election processes for two (2) years and for up to four (4) years in case of repeated violations.

Additional information

To implement this proposal, LACNIC must establish a mechanism for existing subscribers to receive and accept the AUP and the PDP such that no distinction is made between their participation and that of new subscribers.

If the system used for the mailing list (mailman or similar) were to create any difficulties for the implementation the proposal, it is expected that the proposal can become effective once it reaches consensus, even if certain “technical” aspects cannot be immediately implemented. For example, it would be enough to immediately send the AUP to the Policy list without limiting subscribers’ ability to post to the list, and then, once the system is ready, subscribers would be required to accept the AUP in order to continue posting to the list.


Immediate implementation


AUPs are commonly used for mailing lists, including those of several RIRs. Many examples were considered when drafting this proposal.

Presented at:

LACNIC 33 y 1/3 (20/08/2020)


This proposal seeks to implement an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List, as no such document currently exists.

Rationale (Describe the problem you intend to solve)

On several occasions there have been annoying activities that are contrary to the purpose and spirit of the Policy List, cases of misuse, various attacks and even election advertising.

Participants should have explicit knowledge of what can and cannot be done on the list, as well as of the potential penalties for infringing the rules. Otherwise, we will continue to see these actions that affect the community as a whole.

The global nature of list participants and the fact that they are posting from different time zones make it impossible to solve this issue either permanently or repetitively by implementing a temporary moderation of the list. This moderation affects the openness of the list and especially its dynamics, two essential features of the Policy Development Process, which specifies that the list must be “completely open.” Any form of moderation constitutes censorship, even if only temporary, and therefore breaches the principle of openness.

The LACNIC Community Code of Conduct ( specifies the following: “In the case of the mailing lists, acceptable use policies may apply that establish standards in addition to those specified in this Code. Any other specific regulations that may exist, whether for mailing lists or for other environments, will be additional and complementary to the present document.” This is perfectly reasonable, as the LACNIC Code of Conduct was not approved by the Community through the PDP but by the organization, two different environments, although on occasion, either online or in person, they may appear to coincide. However, it must be said that the organization is a subset of the Community. And the PDP is a completely separate and exclusive instance with a specific purpose, different from the rest of the communities (e.g., membership, NOGs, other lists sponsored by LACNIC).

Current text


New text
Analyze diff

(Note: The following text would be added to the current PDP, possibly at the end of the existing text, at the discretion of LACNIC.)

8. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for the Public Policy List

8.1. Purpose, Operation and Acceptable Use of the Public Policy List

The sole and exclusive purpose of the Public Policy List is the presentation and discussion of policy-related aspects, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, results of the PDP, and other clearly related aspects.

Unless prior and explicit authorization is provided by the chairs, any discussion outside of this scope is not allowed.1

Only the members of the Board of Directors, the Electoral Commission and the LACNIC staff may publish announcements regarding PDP chair elections.

Only the chairs may issue a warning to those in violation of the AUP and take the appropriate actions, announcing their decision through the list Any suspected violation must be reported exclusively to the chairs.

LACNIC shall implement a system that guarantees that subscribers will read the PDP and the AUP, confirming their acceptance. Should they choose not to do so, they will only be able to receive messages from the list. If subscription reminders are sent, such messages must also remind subscribers of the AUP.

Likewise, at the bottom of each message, a link will be included to allow list subscribers to manage their subscription preferences.

LACNIC shall incorporate systems that allow detecting, in so far as possible, the accounts used to breach the AUP.

Messages posted to the list will be archived and publicly available. The integrity of this file may not be modified except through legal mechanisms.

In very exceptional cases2, the chairs may decide the temporary moderation of the list, informing of such moderation and the reasons for the decision. Such moderation will be only for brief, perfectly defined periods of time, ensuring that messages are not delayed longer than strictly necessary. For this task, the chairs will be supported by the staff.

The AUP has been designed based on current use, as an official means of communication of the PDP, of the Public Policy List. If additional systems are adopted that bidirectionally replicate the list (e.g., forums, applications), the AUP will apply under the same or technically equivalent conditions.

8.2. Violations of the Applicable Use Policy (AUP) for the Policy List

At the discretion of the chairs, the following may be considered violations of the AUP:
a) Any use of the list that goes against the AUP.
b) Ad hominem attacks, foul language, disrespect, and the sending or forwarding of private messages (unless with the prior and explicit consent of the parties involved).
c) Replies to inappropriate messages.
d) Auto-reply messages, unsubscribe, email address modification and other similar requests.

In addition, if evidence exists:
e) Use of the list to collect participants’ contact information and the use of such information to send spam (any previously and explicitly unrequested email).
f) Any attempt to commit fraud or bypass a penalty, for example, by using alternative mail addresses.

The chairs may determine that other actions also constitute unacceptable uses of the list.

8.3. Penalties in Case of Violation of the AUP

Considering the global nature of list participants, when deciding on potential violations of the AUP, the chairs will take into account any relevant cultural aspects and language differences.

At the discretion of the chairs, the first violation of the AUP may result in a temporary suspension of the offender's right to post to the list for a period of one (1) month, which may be extended in the case of successive violations.

In addition, violations related to election processes are considered extremely serious and will be reported to the Board of Directors and the Electoral Commission.

1 By way of example, event announcements, calls for papers, advertising of any kind (even if related to an election), and comments for or against candidates are excluded.
2 For example, to avoid “attacks” of any kind that might affect the normal functioning of the list.

Additional information

To implement this proposal, LACNIC must establish a mechanism for existing subscribers to receive and accept the AUP and the PDP such that there will be no distinction between their participation and that of new subscribers.

If the system used for the mailing list (mailman or similar) were to create any difficulties for the implementation the proposal, it is expected that the proposal can become effective once it reaches consensus, even if certain “technical” aspects cannot be immediately implemented. For example, it would be enough to immediately send the AUP to the Policy list without limiting subscribers’ ability to post to the list, and then, once the system is ready, subscribers would be required to accept the AUP in order to continue posting to the list.

If necessary, mechanisms may be used to verify violations of the AUP. Such mechanisms might include, for example, emails that are not part of LACNIC domains periodically inserted in the list to serve as a honeypot.


Immediate implementation


AUPs are commonly used for mailing lists, including those of several RIRs. Many examples were considered when drafting this proposal.

Equivalent documents are currently under discussion in both AFRINIC and RIPE.

Presented at:

LACNIC 36 (11/10/2021)